The Final Approach

I have been fascinated by Air Crash investigations for about 15 years. Virtually every time that there is an air crash, regardless of the severity of the accident and the casualties, Air Crash Investigators always want to find out the cause as much as possible. This ensures that there is closure (to an extent), important... Continue Reading →

Beauty from Ashes

I recently came across a video of different women who came into a barbershop with old and  rough looking hair styles. Their faces looked tired, I’m sure they had tried numerous options they knew and nothing had worked so far to make their hair condition better. If you’re a lady reading this, I’m sure you get it. 😉 


An analogy from the Journey of Israel The mandate for the believer in Christ is to go into the world and make disciples of all nations, teaching them to observe and obey all that the Lord Jesus taught. We generally tend to do well with the very first step in those encounters, i.e. preaching the... Continue Reading →

A Good Day to Die

When God told Adam that he would “surely die” after he ate from the “Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil”, I wonder if Adam knew the extent, or the weight of what God was telling him. Did Adam underestimate the would-be consequences of sin, or did he overestimate his ability to find loopholes... Continue Reading →

Stain Free!

On my way out to an engagement today, I left my room dressed in a nice white dress. It was appropriate for the occasion because that was the color code.

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